
On August 16, the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS), established in accordance with UNGA Resolution 77/250, concluded its recent session.
During the two sessions (November 20 - December 1, 2023, and August 5 - 16, 2024), experts from 24 countries (including Russia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Morocco, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, the UAE, and the UK) examined and elaborated the elements of an international legally binding instrument (a treaty) on PAROS, including measures to prevent the placement of weapons in space.
The GGE focused on key aspects of the potential treaty, including:
* the goals and principles of the document;
* obligations of the state parties;
* definitions of key terms;
* development of a verification mechanism, etc.
Following the sessions, the GGE adopted a substantive report by consensus with specific understandings concerning the legally binding instrument on PAROS and its further drafting process. This report marks the first essential document of its kind since the initiative to develop such a treaty in the 1970s. It serves as a starting point for negotiations on PAROS with the aim of ensuring that outer space remains free from any type of weapons, armed conflicts, as well as the use of force or threat of force against or via space objects.
In accordance with the GGE’s recommendations, we will continue to explore the substantive elements of the future legally binding instrument on PAROS (including prevention of the placement of weapons in space) at an international level, with the aim of swiftly initiating corresponding negotiations.

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