Från Ryska Utrikesministeriet


Foreign Ministry statement on imposing personal sanctions against representatives of UK’s think tanks, consulting agencies and other similar structures with a hostile perspective on Russia
The UK government persists in its aggressive anti-Russia policy. As part of this vision, London pursues the goal of achieving what it calls a strategic defeat on the battlefield against our country, even if these efforts were always doomed to failure. In doing so, it has been making active use of a mechanism, which consists of imposing illegitimate restrictions through sanctions, as well as waging an informational and media campaign rooted in lies and hypocrisy. All this attests to the commitment by the UK’s political establishment, imbued as it is with anti-Russia sentiment, to carry on with its tough and system-wide confrontation with Russia.
Several think tanks, consulting agencies and other similar structures have been making a significant contribution to London’s hostile efforts. Their experts’ assessments and the way they articulate objectives often include interfering in the domestic affairs of foreign states and are widely used while implementing an anti-Russia policy of the collective West.
These organisations spread misinformation to discredit the Russian state through mainstream media and online, and are trying in vain to create conditions for destabilising the situation within our country. In addition to this, while executing the orders of their curators in London and working on their agenda to isolate Moscow on the international stage in both political and economic terms, these think tanks engage in destructive efforts in countries which are friendly to Russia by seeking to undermine the stability and wellbeing of the people there.
In this connection, representatives of several structures of this kind were designated on the reciprocal stop list in order to ban them from entering the Russian Federation. These individuals are listed below.
Russia will continue to expand its stop list in response to London’s hostile policy.

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