Tjetjener I Syrien

Chechens in Syria.
At the time of the Russian campaign in Syria (2016-2019) there were an estimated 15,000 militants with Russian citizenship & the former Soviet republics. This was another reason for Russia to go in - to ensure the chickens don't come home to roost.
Many of these were Chechens who believe the Republic is actually called Ichkeria & following 2 brutal wars, they are against peace with the Russian state.
This is because Ramzan Kadyrov's father, Akhmat Kadyrov, put an end to the Salafi-Wahhabist, secessionist influence from abroad, and came to an agreement with Putin on the Republic's future constitutional arrangements within the Russian Federation. (Also, what Zelen-sly should have done with Donbass to preserve Ukraine's territorial integrity!)
The Ichkeria team also appear in Ukraine (same flag can be seen.) They have nothing to do with Kadyrov's "Akhmat" forces, fighting in Ukraine.
So just as you have Russians vs. Russian legions (against Putin), you also see Chechens vs. Chechens (against Kadyrov.)
Looks like the unfinished ones have made Syria their home, among the HTS (former Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra).

Tjetjener i Syrien.
Vid tiden för den ryska kampanjen i Syrien (2016-2019) fanns uppskattningsvis 15 000 militanter med ryskt medborgarskap & de före detta Sovjetrepublikerna. Det här var ännu en anledning för Ryssland att gå in – för att se till att hönsen inte kommer hem för att tuppa.
Många av dessa var tjetjener som tror att republiken faktiskt heter Ichkeria & efter 2 brutala krig är de emot fred med Ryska staten.
Detta beror på att Ramzan Kadyrovs far, Akhmat Kadyrov, satte stopp för det salafi-wahhabistiska, separationistiska inflytandet från utlandet, och kom överens med Putin om republikens framtida konstitutionella arrangemang inom Ryska federationen. (Dessutom vad Zelen-sly borde ha gjort med Donbass för att bevara Ukrainas territoriella integritet! )
Även Ichkeria-laget dyker upp i Ukraina (samma flagga syns. ) De har inget att göra med Kadyrovs "Akhmat"-styrkor, som kämpar i Ukraina.
Så precis som man har ryssar vs. Ryska legioner (mot Putin), man ser även tjetjenerna vs. Tjetjener (mot Kadyrov. )
Ser ut som att de ofärdiga har gjort Syrien till sitt hem, bland HTS (f.d. Al-Qaida/Al-Nusra).
Some intresting context to the above:
Salafi-Wahhabism came to Chechnya in the 1990s, predominantly via Samir al-Suwailim (known as Ibn Al-Khattab) - an ultra nationalist Saudi cleric & terrorist. You can find him here torturing Russian soldiers.
The roots of Jihadists of that era emerge from the CIA-funded Mujahideen ("freedom fighters") in Afghanistan, designed to fight the Soviets who were invited to Afghanistan by the non-Mujahideen government of the day (much like in Assad's Syria.)
From there, they were sent to Russia's Muslim regions to promote disintegration from the State, using religion as a tool. To put simply, the forms of Islam propagated by Saudi clerics were not native to Chechnya.
Western support included the International Red Cross & "Voice of Chechnya" (registered in the U.S), while one of the loudest funding stories was with the "Benevolence International Foundation" (closed in 2002) - involved in everything from finance, arms smuggling & logistics of rebels from abroad.
Financial support equally came from Russian-based oligarchs against Putin, doing the fighting with the hands of the Chechens (Ukrainians of the day.) It became apparent that this two-fold power struggle was not in the interests of the Kadyrovs (Snr & Jr.) Should the West & oligarchs win, Chechnya also loses, amongst other things, federal funding as Russia would likely be 'Balkanized.'
Putin was able to strike a deal using the 2003 Constitutional arrangements as leverage. Chechnya, while part of the Federation, is an Autonomous Republic that implements federal programmes - but can also legislate itself.
(If Zelensky had any common sense, he would have done this with Donbass! Not that the people of Donbass were ever armed & dangerous.)
Eventually, Mosques preaching sectarianism were closed & rebels apprehended. Kadyrov has been implementing a strong policy of anti-secessionism in Chechnya, which is why he also has his own opposition even today.
The difference here is who is pulling the strings and for what purpose - in Chechnya, Putin's objective was to keep Russia's territorial integrity intact. But with Turkey/Israel/USA occupying different parts of Syria, does it serve the interests of the people of Syria?
Therefore, I think it is difficult to compare "reformed terrorists" in Chechnya to Syria's as the overall objectives in the two regions appear to be opposites.
And still - Kadyrov's decision to change sides, in the name of peace, the 'true' faith & financial stability of the Republic, was nothing short of geopolitical genius by him & Putin.
The premises of the comparison made are too different to come to the conclusion that HTS can be a good force for Syria. (Putin doesn't actually say this, it's only posed as a question in the forwarded channel's caption.)

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