Förlorad Västerländsk Verklighetskontakt


The West has lost touch with reality.
Hungarian economist György Nogrady:
"Zelensky is escalating the war. The next step is to allow Zelensky to attack Russian deep targets. Okay, but what will be the response? Russian strikes on deep targets in Ukraine. There could be many targets.
I don't want to give Putin advice, and he doesn't need it, but this war is escalating now. What will be the next Ukrainian target? Attacking nuclear power plants that are in Russian hands?
This will have catastrophic consequences. Zelensky's position is that no matter what happens, the West will give money, weapons, and the war will continue until they liberate Donbass. But this will not happen.
And allegedly until Crimea is Ukrainian. But this has nothing to do with reality."

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