Ryska Ord I FN

🇷🇺🇺🇳 Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN:
🎙 Statement by Chargé d’Affaires of the Russian Federation Dmitry Polyanskiy at UN Security Council Open Debate on Conflict Prevention (August 21, 2024)
💬 We have been consistent in our belief that effective conflict prevention must be based on the need to take into account national priorities and the uniqueness of each specific case. <...> An important factor for effective conflict prevention is precisely the national responsibility of the state, which means that the state itself is responsible for the well-being and security of its citizens. Indeed, who but the national authorities can be better aware of the needs of the society and the risks this society faces.
Accordingly, the Government of each sovereign state should decide independently whether certain measures or strategies are really needed for preventing conflicts in the country, stopping violence, tackling negative consequences of crises, or addressing any other challenges relevant to any given context.
☝️ Despite the fact that all countries are equal in the face of the threat of conflict or violence, some states initially put themselves above others, they want to lecture others, but in no way are they ready to listen to criticism about them. This is also one of the problems of today's prevention.
As long as some actors try to divide the world into "teachers and students," the breeding ground for new conflicts will only expand. And if we add to this the historical injustice that has not yet been redressed when it comes to developing countries, primarily African states, it becomes clear that the countries of the Global South face much more difficulty both in preventing conflicts and crises and addressing the consequences entailed.
Despite the fact that the era of colonialism is considered to be consigned to history, in our world today there are still a huge number of ways of preserving and deepening the dependence of those states who suffered from the colonial yoke.
In order to preserve their fading hegemony, the former colonial powers and their allies by hook or by crook secure their dominance in the world, trying (vainly) to impede the creation of a just, multipolar world order. What is also in play here is entrenching the commodity-based nature of developing countries' economies, imposing harsh and essentially fettering IMF programs, and triggering brain drain.
❗️All of this perpetuates economic underdevelopment, poverty and political instability in developing countries, which creates an ideal fertile ground for conflicts.
Instead of facilitating the development on the scale and in the form the Global South needs, those self-proclaimed “lords of the world” prefer to supply larger quantities of weapons to hot spots taking advantage of people's suffering, steal resources and appropriate other people's assets. And those who oppose such injustice are doomed to unilateral sanctions and unlawful restrictive measures.
What kind of prevention can we talk about in such conditions❓
And this is despite the fact that the nascent conflicts are often so obvious that it is much harder not to notice a looming problematic situation than to sound the alarm in this regard.
👉 However, many Members of the Security Council prefer to demonstrate selective deafness and blindness, and then blame anyone for the conflict except for themselves.
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