Kim Dotcom & Zions Vise Protokoll Med Allen Dulles

Kim Dotcom tar Zions Vise via Dulles..

"When you do your own research you will learn that the origin of this plan was discredited and that the alleged creators have nothing to do with it. But who was the person providing the key evidence?
It was Allen Dulles.

The man who raised money from US industrialists to fund Adolf Hitler, his Nazi party and his war. The man who later became the director of the CIA during Kennedy and the head of the Warren commission that investigated the Kennedy assassination. Why would anybody believe a man with such a questionable character?

The protocols of the Elders of Zion have unquestionably borrowed ideas from several authors but you can say that about most important writings throughout history. It was called a fabrication and is one of the first uses of the term ‘conspiracy theory’."

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