Från Ryska Försvarsministeriet Med Kommentar

Russian Defense Ministry:

"The Russian Defense Ministry takes with due seriousness the information coming through independent channels about the Kiev regime's preparation to strike the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant.

The purpose of this provocation is to accuse Russia of "self-shelling" the plant in order to create grounds for striking Ukrainian nuclear power facilities. We regard such actions by the Kiev regime, with the support of Western patrons, as a direct and obvious violation of the International Convention "For the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism." If the Kiev regime begins to implement criminal plans aimed at creating a man-made disaster in the European part of the continent with radioactive contamination of vast territories, tough retaliatory military and military-technical measures will be taken immediately."

Dear Defense Ministry, why can't these "tough retaliatory military and military-technical measures" be taken before a nuclear disaster? How much longer will Russia "fight in response"? Nobody believes your words anymore.

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