Tyranniskt Hotande Underrättelseorganisationer

‼️Tucker Carlson just ignited a firestorm with his latest statement, suggesting that the U.S. might not be a Democracy but "something else" resembling tyranny:‼️
"Members of Congress are terrified of the intel agencies. I'm not guessing at that...
They're afraid of the agencies. 👥
That's not compatible with democracy. Democracy is a really simple system, even representative democracy like ours. The people rule. They do so through elections. They express their preference through voting. They send their people to the capital city to run the government on their behalf.
Whenever you have unelected people who are not accountable to anyone making the biggest decisions, you don't have a democracy. You have something else, another system.
I would call it a tyranny, or whatever you want to call it, it's not a democracy.
So that's, like, super obvious. It's playing out in front of everyone, and no one cares, no one does anything about it. And I think the reason is because they're threatened."
❓Do you believe what Tucker Carlson asserted about the intelligence agenices controlling Congress through extortion❓

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