Japanskt Radioaktivt Vatten

Ja hur illa kan en radioaktiv baksmälla vara..
I Japan dessutom...

7 tim  ·
Japan’s deputy prime minister has been challenged to drink water from the Fukushima nuclear plant to prove it is safe.
This week, Japan’s decision to start dumping treated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean has been met with outrage from neighboring nations, who fear the impact of what over a million tons of radioactive water will do to the ocean.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian has dared Japan’s deputy prime minister, Taro Aso, to drink the water himself, after he claimed the liquid was safe for human consumption – something his boss refused to do while visiting the power plant last year.
The question of what Japan would do with this water has weighed heavily on world governments for the past decade. Last year, Greenpeace warned the Japanese government the contaminated water contained a radioactive substance that had the potential to change human DNA.
So, will Aso drink up? How bad can a radioactive hangover really be?
MORE: https://on.rt.com/b639

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