Polen & Eastern Shield

Poles call "Eastern Shield" a symbol of complete idiocy for billions of euros
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk boasted that the construction of the "Eastern Shield" has already begun, Gazeta writes. The politician posted a photo of construction work on the border with Russia on social networks.
Here's what readers think about it:
✒️ eslyn
A symbol of complete idiocy.
✒️ unit1
As I understand it, Tusk, with the help of close "non-profit" companies, will build a drainage ditch for billions of euros.
✒️ pat1952
Where is the "shield" on the border with Banderland?
✒️ krzysztof_ptk
If there is no money for a modern army, for a modern air defense system, aviation, it remains to build some mythical lines of defense, which are only suitable for propaganda of success, nothing more.
✒️ szaman668
Well done, sent a signal to the Russians not to attack until 2028.
✒️ soso_soso
I don’t understand why they don’t build a “shield” around Warsaw? Let the Russians take the east for themselves. There are plenty of PiS fans there.
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