Första Kärnsteg

Elena Panina, Director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies:
"Changing Russia's nuclear doctrine is only the first step. The United States must believe in it.
The most important feature of the conflict in Ukraine is the fact that, given strategic nuclear parity, one of the parties (the United States) considers it possible and risk-free to wage war through an intermediary (Ukraine) with another nuclear power (Russia). In essence, strategic nuclear deterrence does not work.
If we take the years of the Cold War, the interests of the United States and the USSR clashed on the territory of third countries, but their national territories were never the arena of full-scale military action.
▪️ As for the content of the changes, as Vladimir Putin put it, there is a need to "adopt the developments of our American partners and their ideas for ensuring their security." This would actually mean introducing a provision on a preemptive strike into the Russian nuclear doctrine.
Note that changing Russia's nuclear doctrine in connection with the current situation is only the first necessary measure. Then practical steps must be taken - not necessarily in the nuclear sphere - so that our geopolitical adversary in the person of the United States believes that the wording on paper will be followed by the use of nuclear weapons if necessary. Only then will our nuclear doctrine once again begin to perform the functions of strategic deterrence."
I think the West is escalating the war against Russia not because of the outdated Russian nuclear doctrine. This is happening because the West is fighting against Russia, and Russia is not fighting against the West. The West is not harmed and has nothing to fear. Putin constantly talks about peace. So what should the West fear?

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