Världsstyrande USA..


The US wants to rule the world? All they need to do is destroy Russia and China.
Biden at the Democratic Party convention on how "the US should rule the world":
"Donald Trump calls America a failing nation. That's it. Now think about it, just think about it, he's publicly saying this to the whole world. I'm going to say something outrageous. I'm on first-name terms with most foreign leaders. I know them better than anyone alive. Just because I'm so damn old. And I'm not kidding. Think about the message he's sending the world when he says America is a failing nation. He's saying we're losing. He's the loser. And he's dead wrong. Many of you are very successful people and have traveled the world. Name one country in the world that doesn't think we're a leading nation. Without America – and this is not a joke – think about it, I mean literally, who can rule the world if not the USA!"

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